This week had been a good one; we started out on vacation- how bad can that be? Since Breckenridge, Anderson has been swimming one more time at our community pool and we plan to go swimming again tomorrow. So far, he seems to love the pool. I can't wait to get him signed up for Mommy & Me swimming class-but we have to wait until he's 6 months old.
Each week I get emails from telling me what to expect from Anderson that week and he's right on track with what they tell me he'll do. This week he started cooing and smiling A LOT more- at this point, he can smile on command. Well, by "on command" I mean, if he's in a good mood and if I say "Are you a happy baby???" in this really high irritating voice. Oh, and it needs to be when his diaper is clean, he's full and not totally tired or overstimulated. Believe it or not, that's more often than not.
I've been dreading next Tuesday for a while's the dreaded day for SHOTS!! I hope to get a lot of sleep in the days before that; in fact I will plan to nap all day Monday (ya right!) as I have no idea if Anderson will be that baby who cries all day after them or sleeps all day... I'm planning on him crying all day. I am also dreading it because I cannot bare to watch him in pain, but I suppose other moms and babies have gotten through it, so we will too. The only reason I'm looking forward to it is to see how much he weighs. I am going to say he's at LEAST 13 pounds...probably more. He's unbelievably strong and I don't have to hold his head NEARLY like I used to. It's like he's becoming a BOY, not a baby... It's bittersweet.
On another note, I've started wondering when did life start to become RUSH RUSH RUSH???? Oh ya, about 9 weeks ago. I don't remember being able to enjoy a long hot shower when shaving my legs wasn't a privilege or a nice slow relaxing meal with my husband! I am constantly RUSHING to see if I can shower before AJ starts to cry, or squeeze in one more thing before he needs me. It's crazy! I love it, but it's crazy! Someday, I know we'll get this back, but I do miss having dinner with Jason...and us both sitting down :)
Lastly, a Weight Watchers update. I'm SUPER proud to say that I have lost 8.8lbs since I started WW 5 weeks ago. So, to sum it up I gained 26 while pregnant and have now lost 30! YA!!! I love WW because I can eat a lot and I've been able to work out about 3 times a week- give or take.
Until next time... and keep in mind when you're looking for a new post to read that I'm probably spending that time trying to get ONE MORE THING done :)
amen sister! don't we all feel like we are trying to rush rush rush and get that one more thing in! LOL
It does get better even after the first 6 months. Just promise me you will wait a little while before having another. Adding one makes life even more crazier! Shaving?! HA!
I love your video!!! the baby talk is so cute...of course I am with you that I wish we could mute our voices out and only hear our adorable babies!
Good Luck with swimming! I decided to wait to start Ryan until this fall. I was too paranoid about him getting ear infections. So he is going to be 3and finally learning how to swim...can't wait to see how he does. :)
keep the posts reading them...well when I get that extra free time...usually around midnight! LOL
Hi Kate,
I'm Heather. I am a friend of Jenni Thomas and I saw your blog link on her blog and I took a look at it and you are so pretty! You're just like wow! You also look amazingly amzing for just having a baby. Congrats! Anderson is a very cute little boy and has such a pretty Mommy!
I just wanted to tell you that you look great!
~Heather PS: My blog link is also on Jenni's Belly Diaries.
Okay, I just have to say that I TOTALLY know how you guys feel about the dinner thing. We also have noticed that we rarely, if ever, get to sit down and have dinner together. I think so far, maybe ONE time. Its just that fussy time of day for Preston and so we can't just let him be by himself while we eat or else we'll be eating while he is crying.
Good job girl on losing all that weight! You are making me rethink WW! I went to their website though to look at the online program and you have to pay about $40 a month though and I was like "What???? Why do I want to pay when I already know HOW to lose weight." LOL The problem is I dont have the accountability and weighins like WW offers.
I'm seriously thinking about starting a contest with anyone to see who can lose the most percentage of bodyweight by Christmas and we all put money into a pot. Winner takes all. THAT would motivate me. Hmmmmmm...
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