

Monday, April 14, 2014

From AJ's Kindergarten Teacher

Today AJ had the day off from school and all the kindergartners had "Kindergarten testing". I am not completely sure of what they do as they don't have the parents come back, but the kids get a 20 minute time slot where they go with their teacher and are tested on reading. They did this a few weeks before school started also and then again today. I imagine they use the 2 testing days to compare how much he has learned in the school year. This is an email from his teacher today:

"AJ knows all the 31 sight words he is best for our Kindies to be reading independently from at least a DRA level 3 or 4...he just ROCKED a level 6 and was reading from a level 8 with confidence!!!! Yay, AJ!!!!!!!!"

I just got online and see what DRA level 6 and 8 even mean and it means he's reading at almost a middle 1st grade level! YEAH AJ is right!!!
I am SO proud of our guy!

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