

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July Randomness

It should come as no surprise when I say we've had a very busy July! I don't have time to write about it all, so I'll give you pictures instead :)

Our friends Heather and Domenic had a Fiesta at their house. It was PACKED full of people and food. It was a blast!
The kids had a great time together!

These two are so cute! Kellyn and AJ..

We also went to the pool one day with Ki, Dax and Skylar and then AJ wanted to swing by Gemstone park to play. This is where AJ had his 3rd birthday party and it's really close to where Grandma and Papa used to live.

We also went to Red Rocks to see John Mayer with our friends Summer and Guido

We had a great time at Red Rocks! (and thanks Guido for ruining this picture...)

I played hookie one afternoon, picked AJ up early and hit the pool. Fun times!

One weekend AJ and Jason went camping and I stayed home with Jazz. She and I had a great time together- here we are going on a run together. She's a great running parter and can easily outrun me!

AJ and Jason went camping and did some fishing. You can see here that they caught one!

We also went to the Lego store and played a bit. AJ really wanted me to take a pic with his creation

We went to dinner at our friends house. Here's AJ and Kelan eating (and goofing off)

AJ got this awesome new Dinosaur lego and it took us some time to get it together, but we did it! I took this picture and sent it in to the Lego Club magazine and hopefully it'll make it in there!

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