

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dear AJ

Dear AJ,

It’s the day before your 4th birthday and I’m sitting here wondering where the time went. How is it that you are already 4 years old? It truly feels like just yesterday that Daddy and I brought you home from the hospital. It actually feels like it wasn’t that long ago that Daddy & I found out you were growing in my belly. We were both so thrilled!

Today I woke up and thought about this day 4 years ago. It was the day you were knocking on my belly asking to come out to the world. Daddy & I called the doctor and he said it was time to come into the hospital. We packed the car, and drove the hospital. The whole way there we talked about how excited we were and how our lives were about to change forever. We were excited, anxious, scared but most of all we could not wait to meet you.

AJ you have taught me so many things over the past 4 years. You’ve showed me that I can love harder than I have known. People often say you don’t know real love until you have a child, and it’s true. I had no idea I could love someone this much. You have made me want to be the best person I can be. You have taught me to laugh at the silliest things. You taught me to try again when things don’t work out and to be brave. You are so brave and I just love that about you.

I am incredibly proud to be your mom. You are so kind, so polite, funny, smart, adorable, witty and stubborn. You get the last part from me! At times your stubbornness can be a challenge, but I think it is a great quality to have. It means you don’t give up and I love that! You have so many good friends and I love how you’re thoughtful and kind to the people who love you. I have had so many people tell me great things about you. Your teachers tell me you’re so nice to be around, that they all talk about how they want to take you home, and one teacher told me that if she has anymore children, she wants a son just like you. You’re such a wonderful boy!

I hope you always know that Mommy & Daddy love you more than anything in this world. Despite our differences, you are our main priority and we always have you in mind when we make decisions. We are both so thankful that we get along so well and we talk about you every single day. We talk about how you're doing that day, what you're up to, how long your slept, your mood, and tell stories about the funny and smart things you do.

I love you so much AJ. Happy 4th birthday!

Love, Mommy

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