

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

3 Year Stats

AJ finally had his 3 year well check appointment today and he did really well. The doctor was really nice to him and he was talking to her telling her all about Monsters, Inc and other cute things. He thought it was funny when she checked his reflexes and his ears. The only problem was....the shot. :( Poor guy! I hadn't prepared him for it for two reasons. I didn't know if he was going to get any today and also if he was going to get one, I wasn't sure if it was better to surprise him or tell him in advance. When I found out that he was going to get one, I had the doctor tell him. "Just one little poke in the arm and then the nurse will give you a lollipop!" Well... let me tell you- it wasn't quite that easy. The nurse came in to give him his shot and she wasn't nearly as friendly as the doctor. I'm sure she's been giving shots to kids forever and has no emotion about it anymore. So, she asked me to lay him down on the little table (that's never a good thing for kids) and she was going to give him a shot in the leg (not at all what I had told him, right?). She said to him, "Your mommy is going to hold both of your arms down, ok?"- ugh! Freaky! And before you knew it, it was over. Except, IT HURT! As with every other time he's gotten a shot, he knew the instant it broke his skin and it was painful! He started balling right away and then the nurse walked out- WITHOUT giving him the lollipop! Which I don't think he was thinking about, but sure would have been a nice way to quickly recover!

So, after a few minutes of holding him and telling him how sorry I was, he finally recovered and we went and found him a lollipop. He talked about the shot for a while after and was confused by it, but he was fine. Then, we went to this park with all kinds of water spouts and he did alright there (even though he really seemed out of it all day) until he fell HARD on his head in the water. Now he's got a huge goose egg on his poor head. It wasn't the best day for my poor guy.

Anyway, he's just fine now and here are his stats:

3 years old
34.6 pounds (80th percentile)
34 3/4 inches tall (15th percentile)

The only other things we talked about with the doctor aside from the normal stuff was AJ's constipation (poor guy has had some miserable days) and what we think are allergies. She told me that he needs more water, less milk, more "P" letter fruits (peaches, peas, pears, etc..), and we've started giving him stool softener to make it not hurt so bad when he goes poop. The problem with the softner this past week or so is that now it doesn't hurt, but he thinks it will, so he goes in his pants. He refused to go poop in the potty. It's a messy problem, let me tell ya. But the doctor said not to worry about that right now. To go a few more weeks with the softner and let him learn that it wont hurt. She said to worry about the potty training piece of it later. (Thankfully, we still have diapers for naps and bedtime)

Regarding the allergies, if they aren't bothering him (which at this time they aren't) then there's no need to do anything. If they do start to bother him, she told me they make Claritin and Zyrtek for children. I had no idea?!

So happy to have SUCH a happy and healthy boy :) Sure do love him!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Oh my gosh I totally forgot to take Preston in for his 3 yr appointment! LOL Thnx for the reminder. That is good to know about the constipation stuff, because Taylor is suffering from that a lot. He will have his 12 month appt here in a few weeks so I'll ask about it, but I wonder if he has some allergies too. Weird. I can't believe our boys are 3 yrs old!