

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


They aren't long sentences, but he is saying them! And he's trying SO HARD to say new ones daily. I love watching AJ work really hard at new things. It's awesome to see him be so proud of himself. I am super proud of him!

Here are a few things he's been saying:

Bye Bye Choo Choo
Bye Bye Buster (it sounds like Bussus)
Bussus Eat
Hello Daddy
Juice esse? (please)
AJ pee pee (wet diaper)

He still says a lot of things in the wrong order, but I actually think he might know it's out of order when he says it because he keeps trying. For example, he'll say, "Eat Bussus" and then right after, he'll correct it with "Bussus eat".

I find that we can really have some pretty good conversations, so long as I can figure out what he actually means. Many times, what he says takes some time to figure out, but it's actually quite gratifying when I do.

The other thing he's been doing lately is telling these awesome stories. Of course, no one can figure out what he's saying, but he knows! He gets very excited and animated and will look at you like, "you know what I mean, right?"

1 comment:

Jenni said...

That is too cute!! I love seeing what AJ is doing - he and Preson always seem to be doing things around the same stage. Preston is saying TONS of new words lately and starting sentences too. Just like AJ, a lot of it we can't understand but it's very very cute!