

Friday, January 22, 2010

18 Month Stats

Well, he's actually almost 19 months, but we just got to the doctor today.

The doctor said that AJ is doing great. He's healthy and happy and totally normal. The biggest thing we need to work on now is.... CONSISTENCY. We have to set limits for him so that he learns what is right and what is wrong. When I say, "If you don't sit down, you're going to time out" and he doesn't sit down, I always have to put him in time out. It's a lot of work, but I want to raise a good, respectful boy, so I will do my best.

These days, AJ is seriously a handful. I love this child with all of my heart and soul, but he is seriously testing me. And I'm sure it's just the beginning.

He has started greeting strangers his age by pushing or hitting them. He whines A LOT. He is still really bad in the car. He climbs all over the funiture. Tries to get into anything and everything that he's not allowed to get into. He throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way- kicking and screaming.

BUT..having said all that- he is still a very good boy. He's always a good boy at Grandmas house, Miss Jamie's house and at the Rec Center daycare. He is very loving and will give me a hug and kiss most of the time when I ask for it. And he's really smart! He's saying a TON of words now- the latest words are dirt, purple, poo poo, and pee pee. He tries to repeat most of the words I say, which is awesome.

Here are his stats:

Weight: 25lbs 12 oz (50%)
Height: 31 3/4" (25%)
Wearing 18 month clothing and size 6 1/2W shoe

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