

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Any idea what this look means???

I've been caught! Darn it! I thought she couldn't see me climbing out the dog door....Or DESTROYING the kitchen...
or it could mean..
I hear you saying NO!!, but I think I just might do it anyway???

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Hahaha Preston does that look a lot!! So yeah, it means he gets into a lot of "No No's" all the time!LOL

The funniest thing, is I have a half-wall bookshelf next to our piano where I keep all of my 8X11 piano books handy for teaching. He KNOWS he's not supposed to get into them, and when he does he pulls them off one-by-one. I'll say "Preston no no!!" and he'll look at me with that wide eyed guitly look and say "Da da da da ad da" LOL its like he is trying to explain to me why he is doing it with all his excuses. It's hilarious, I have a hard time keeping a straight face through it but fear if I start laughing he'll think it's a game. LOL