

Thursday, April 9, 2009

On The Move

Now that AJ can crawl and pull himself up, it's ALL he wants to do! He is EVERYWHERE. He crawls so fast, that at times he flops right onto his head! It doesn't bother him though, he just gets up and keeps going. This kid is BUSY! One second he's playing with his toys and the next he's in the kitchen trying to get into the refrigerator before we close the door. I have realized that even though many things in our house are "baby proofed" he will get to ANYTHING that he can; magazines on the coffee table, books that are low to the ground, shoes...anything! He can now pull himself up on pretty much everything; the couch, his Leap Frog standing toy, the dog, my leg, and the stairs (but he hasn't mastered those.. yet!) It's so cute to watch him pull himself up on something and then try to hold on with one hand while he tries to reach for his toy on the ground. I can really see him thinking and it's just amazing. I can't believe that he's already doing all of this!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Oh wow, so you've got a fast little crawler on your hands now. Preston is SOOOO close, and I get the feeling that once he figures this crawling thing out we are going to have to watch him like a hawk! He gets into EVERYTHING. When I pick him up or put him on my lap,h e doesn't even pay attention to me, But instead the first thing he does is look around and I think he is thinking "Hmmmm what can I play with?"

I can no longer put him on my lap as I am typing on the computer because he grabs thekeyboard or any papers lying on the desk. He has an amazing grip and a longer reach than I think! Hahaha.